Woodlot Management and Timber Harvesting Services in Wellston, Ohio

Recent logging operations have provided a mosaic of forest age classes throughout the forest, creating a diverse range of wildlife habitats. The 2,442 acre Upper Wildlife Area in Richland Township, Vinton County, is located approximately eight miles northwest of Wellston. Superior Hardwoods is currently carrying out logging operations on this property, and for safety reasons, the harvest areas will be marked with signs and hunting will be prohibited during the works. This wildlife area has terrain that ranges from undulating to mountainous. Timber roads provide easy access to virtually every part of the area.

The majority of the wildlife area is forested, with the dominant tree species consisting of oaks, walnut trees, yellow poplars and maples. The newly harvested areas are dominated by blackberry and raspberry bushes along with young trees. Wayne National Forest is committed to an all-land, landscape-scale conservation approach to forest management, as more than 70% of the landscape in southeastern Ohio is owned by private forest owners. If you are looking for woodlot management and timber harvesting services in Wellston, Ohio, Superior Hardwoods is a great option. They specialize in sustainable forestry practices that promote healthy forests and wildlife habitats.

They also offer a variety of services such as timber harvesting, timber stand improvement, reforestation, and more. Their experienced team can help you manage your woodlot and ensure that it is properly maintained for years to come. At Superior Hardwoods, they understand the importance of preserving our forests for future generations. They strive to use sustainable forestry practices that promote healthy forests and wildlife habitats. Their experienced team can help you manage your woodlot and ensure that it is properly maintained for years to come.

Sheila Huckeba
Sheila Huckeba

General problem solver. Food specialist. Web trailblazer. Food advocate. Freelance twitter scholar. Devoted twitter lover.

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